Madhyam is a knowledge organization primarily focused on finance, trade and investment issues. A primary goal of our research is to identify the implications of finance, trade, investment and other macroeconomic policies on equitable and sustainable development.

In the context of current global problems, our research highlights the need for a serious rethinking and reorientation of macroeconomic policies at the national and international levels. The key objectives of an inclusive macroeconomic policy should also include social equity, human development, equitable distribution of resources, and economic security and stability.

With the help of interdisciplinary research, policy analysis and data collection, Madhyam examines the linkages between finance, trade, investment, aid and sustainable development and provides innovative and practical policy recommendations at national, regional and international levels.

Madhyam has stimulated
wider thinking and
informed debate on
reforming the global finance

We give special emphasis on country experiences and stress on the importance of policy space in order to use
heterodox approaches and macroeconomic tools.


By bringing out citizens’ guides and easy-to-understand publications, Madhyam has encouraged and stimulated wider and informed debate on reforming the global finance and regulation of financial markets. Our research on financial sector highlights the strong regulation of financial markets and maintenance of macroeconomic stability to contribute to economic and social well-being in an equitable and sustainable manner.


Though research, awareness raising and campaigning, Madhyam is actively engaged in seeking greater equity and transparency in the rules and practice of current trading system. The recent proliferation of bilateral and regional trade agreements and their wider developmental implications is also one of our primary research areas.


Madhyam conducts research on foreign direct investment and its contribution to development – with special emphasis on companies, industries, commodities and economies of the global South. Madhyam monitors the bilateral investment treaties and explores ways to reform the current treaty regime which often prevents countries from making legitimate policy choices. More recently, we have analyzed the emergence of sovereign wealth funds and private equity funds in the international investment landscape.